When my sister, Judy asked that I make a pink necklace for her, my first thought was
but I don't have anything pink to use.
I began looking through my stash to see what I could come up with. Not many pink beads to choose from-but there was one orphan clip on earring. Surprise! It was
pink and
bling and I do love my bling. I knew this had to become the focal.
I usually pull out all the possible items I might use and begin to audition them on my bead pad. Freshwater pearls, rhinestone roundels, Czech glass pink beads, vintage crystal beads from our grandmother's necklace and four larger pink beads from the first beading class I ever took were included in the final mix. The design seems to have a mind of its own and begins to take shape. As I begin to put it together, it might take a different turn and end up entirely different than the way I had first envisioned. I love wire wrapping and using bronze wire. These have become a staple in most of my designs. I begin by wrapping a few of the beads and most time the focal is the last to be added.
After playing for a while this was what I came up with.
She loved the necklace and I got a surprise!
When she originally gave me the earring, she said that she had found it and thought I might be able to use it in something. When I told her it was the earring that she had given me, she said that it had belonged to our mother. How nice that it made its way to Judy's necklace.